On March 13th, Global Labor Justice (GLJ) co-hosted a High-Level Convening at the sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations with the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations, along with UN Women, the International Labour Organization (ILO), Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA), Feminist Alliance for Rights (FAR), and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
The panel event “Accelerating Gender Equality: Beijing+30 and ILO Convention 190,” featured Lopa Banerjee, Director, Civil Society Division, UN Women; Paddy Torsney, Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Head of the New York Office, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and former parliamentarian, Government of Canada; Thivya Rakini, State President, Tamil Nadu Textile & Common Labour Union (TTCU); Emanuela Pozzan, Senior Specialist on Gender Equality & Non-Discrimination, GEDI Branch, International Labour Organization (ILO); Sarita Gupta, Vice President, US Programs, Ford Foundation; and Michelle Bachelet, Former President, Chile.
This event focused on recognizing the inextricable link between gender equality and women’s paid and unpaid labor by integrating ILO Convention 190 into the conversation on Beijing+30.
Women’s labor that is paid and unpaid, and both formal and informal has not been consistently recognized as a key contributor to achieving gender equality. This link between gender equality and labor must not only be recognized but also be integrated within all systems that prioritize the achievement of gender equality and the realization of human rights.
In her remarks, Lopa Banerjee emphasized “centering women workers, trade unions and feminist workers in decision-making processes” and “holding the global supply chains accountable for upholding the rights and dignity of women in the workforce.”
Sarita Gupta, recognized the work of the Dindigul Agreement to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence and Harassment and the Central Java Agreement for Gender Justice for implementing C190 principles in binding agreements with employers in countries where ratification and implementation lags. “The solution lies not in individual action but in collective action,” she said.
You can watch the full panel session here: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1m/k1mtn5ldwf
You can also read a new policy brief from GLJ, AFWA and FAR “Women on the Rise, Gendering the World of Work” here.