Press Releases

For media inquiries please contact Rachel Cohen: racohen78 [at]

Migrant Fishers Bring Call for Labor Rights to Boston Seafood Expo


For Immediate Release

Boston - Boston fishing and labor advocates, teachers and community members today joined Taiwan’s migrant fishers at the Seafood Expo North America to call on big seafood brands to take responsibility for their supply chains and ensure fishers’ fundamental labor rights at sea. 

Fishers spoke out about the Wi-Fi Now for Fishers’ Rights at Sea campaign and why having Wi-Fi communication is vital to protecting their rights. 

REPORT: Big Fashion Founding Families, Investors Cash In On Wage Theft

Asian Unions and Allies Launch Campaign to Stop Nike, Levi’s and VF Corp. From Funneling Stolen Pandemic Wages toward Buybacks that Enriched Owners, Wall Street

Contact: Rachel Cohen, GLJ-ILRF: racohen78 [at]

Register for the press call on Tuesday, February 28 at 9:00 AM ET / 7:30 PM IST / 9:00 PM ICT:

As VP Harris hosts the Central America Forward Launch Event, GLJ-ILRF calls on Biden Administration to Prioritize Decent Work


Contact: Rachel Cohen, racohen78 [at]

Washington- Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum (GLJ-ILRF) today called on the Biden Administration to prioritize labor rights and decent work and assure that all investments they coordinate in Central America advance the rights and opportunities of all workers.

U.S. Recognizes Labor Agreement in Decision to End Forced Labor Import Ban of Indian Garment Maker Natchi Apparels

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Lifted Ban After GLJ-ILRF Provided Evidence of the Effectiveness of New Accord for Workers’ Rights

Washington – Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum (GLJ-ILRF) today welcomed U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) removal of Indian garment maker Natchi Apparel (owned by Eastman Exports) from its list of manufacturers banned from importing into the US for using forced labor.

GLJ-ILRF Condemns Fruit Giant Fyffe’s For Abandoning Human and Labor Rights Agreement in Honduras

After 3 years of negotiations, Fyffes refuses to sign the agreement recognizing international labor standards for up to 6,500 Honduran melon pickers.

Washington - Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum (GLJ-ILRF) today condemned multinational fruit giant Fyffes for walking away from an international labor standards agreement with Honduran workers and their union after three years of bargaining. 
