A Government Consortium to End Buying from Sweatshops Launches

By Liana Foxvog, National Organizer, SweatFree Communities

The SweatFree Purchasing Consortium is now official!  Last month the Consortium was legally incorporated and yesterday the Board of Directors held its first meeting, adopting Bylaws.

This is a major milestone for SweatFree Communities and sweatfree activists across the country. The Consortium has been several years in the making. Its creation has involved development of relationships with government procurement officials, research and education, the writing and rewriting of both visionary and legal documents, hours upon hours of meetings, and most importantly the hope, dedication, and involvement of dozens and dozens of people.

Even though the Consortium was just formally launched, it is already well under way with.  To build real power it needs many more members. To bring the campaign to your community, please contact SweatFree Communities.



re: A Government Consortium to End Buying from Sweatshops Launch


I'm so glad that a protective and political entity, advocated by yourself, has emerged to promote the rights of the under-priviledged. I'm proud that our involvement in Amigos de las Americas has led to this inspiration. I'm sure the people "without voices" appreciate your heartfelt efforts!


Marga Kato