Khalid Mahmood Speaks Out on Labor Unions in Pakistan

The Labor Education Foundation (LEF) was established in 1993 with a vision of “empowering the working class to protect its social, economic and political rights.” It also works to promote democratic norms, peaceful relations between Pakistan and India, and literacy among youth and trade union members. It helps to establish and finance new trade unions, and to nationalize current unions. There are 8,000 registered unions, but only three have nationwide representation. The majority are factory based, localized, and divided. The LEF works to unify the scattered unions and nationalize their collective voice. 

Two major obstacles limit worker's rights: poor protections in labor laws and their even poorer implementation, and the privatization of industry that has increasingly become a trend in Pakistan's economy. In 2007, the IMF loaned $7.8 billion to the Pakistani government. The loan came with stipulations to withdraw government electricity subsidies and privatizing service industries. One of the goals of the loan was to “ensure social stability and adequate support for the poor,” but in reality it has had the opposite effect. Healthcare, education and electricity have become inaccessible and too expensive for the working class.

The South Asia Human Development Report of 2003 reports more than 30% of the population live below the poverty line, youth unemployment is at 45%, the population is outstripping the economy's growth, and according to Khalid Mahmood, people are loosing faith in the government. There are about one million workers in the garment industry and many of these workers are women.  These women face many obstacles because of low pay and their inability to forum independent unions so that they are able to negotiate with factory bosses for better workplaces.  ILRF showcased the stories of working mothers in Pakistan in early 2009.  You can read the stories of women workers in their own words on ILRF’s website.

The trade union and civil society movements have an important part to play in Pakistan's society. The major goal is to gain recognition for rights of workers and get companies to implement labor laws. Without recognition, there is no implementation. Pakistan's minimum wage is 6,000 rupees a month (72 USD), but most workers get paid 3,500-4000 rupees, which is barely enough to live on. LEF Estimates that a family of 3-4 needs at least 12,000 rupees a month.  No one will implement, including government bureaucracy, labor laws until people everywhere recognize the validity of claims to worker rights. Business leaders and bureaucracy still maintains a feudal mindset, that workers deserve charity but no real power.

The political environment of corruption and nepotism in Pakistan makes it easy for big business to influence new labor laws. In 2002, labor laws changed that allowed companies to employ unlimited numbers of temporary contract workers. Many factories today, like the Lipton Tea Company owned by Unilever, employ up to 90% temporary workers. These workers aren't eligible for any sort of job benefits like health or education, and have no job security. Most of them aren't registered workers either, which prevents their access to social security.

According to Mr. Mahmood, some international contracts require that products they import must be manufactured by companies that support labor unions. In these cases, many companies in Pakistan will register fake trade unions to satisfy the terms of the contract and to obtain an International Standards Organization (ISO) certificate. Factory certifications for the most part in Pakistan are inefficient and ineffective. Inspectors come to survey factories, but the factories are forewarned and the conditions observed are far from conditions in reality.

Both the international community and the people of Pakistan need to be more engaged in and aware of worker rights violations. The LEF and its director Khalid Mahmood works towards this goal by developing new labor unions, strengthening existing ones, educating workers, and promoting democratic values and norms. Recognition of worker's rights is essential to lowering poverty levels and to restoring faith in Pakistan's government.

ILRF is proud to have LEF as one of its partners in Pakistan.  For more information on LEF’s work, go to their website at



re: Khalid Mahmood Speaks Out on Labor Unions in Pakistan

I have gone through this article, it has attracted my attention especially as a youth worker.
I am working on a draft policy for youth in our union and i will be standing for the position of Youth, Sports and Culture in Central Executive Committee in our Union next year.
our labour laws depress and overshardow the young workers. white collar corruption hinders the youth to voice out their views.
there is a big gap in salary structure and Botswana is rated 2nd in the world.
I need an imput from everyone around the world to help me work out on the policy to address all these maladministrations

re: Khalid Mahmood Speaks Out on Labor Unions in Pakistan

Keeping in view the day-to-day strikes and demonstrations for lawful/genuine demands of Labor/Workers and Employer , which the shameless Industrialists, Capitalists and Rulers of the day ignores it through various tactics by declaring it the beauty of Democracy.
It is therefore planned to protect their rights politically and constitutionally so that the day-to-day strikes and demonstrations for various issues come to an end forever.
In fact, democratically and theoretically it is the right of these Citizens to elect their own representative for the Parliament of Pakistan so that politically their representative may be able not only to protect their rights in the Parliament but also govern their own concern Ministry of Labors and Manpower Overseas Employment etc. Because there is no such verdict of Jury in the human history nor written in the sacred books of Heaven that these Citizens are not eligible / entitle to elect their own representatives for a democratic Parliament of a Country and govern their own concern Ministry of Labors and Man power Overseas Employment etc.
Therefore you are advised in your own interest to start struggle/movement by uniting all Labors Unions and Workers Organizations/ Associations for gaining Political strength on this single Agenda. So that you may able to elect your own representative for permanent protection of your rights in the Parliament and govern your own concern Ministry of Labors and Manpower Overseas Employment etc as democratically the corrupt and ignorant politician has no right to govern it.
Any help or guide- line in this regard will be provided in due course of time.
Please contact= or
Best wishes
Authors of True Democracy

re: Khalid Mahmood Speaks Out on Labor Unions in Pakistan

Keeping in view the day-to-day strikes and demonstrations for lawful/genuine demands of Labor/Workers and Employer , which the shameless Industrialists, Capitalists and Rulers of the day ignores it through various tactics by declaring it the beauty of Democracy.
It is therefore planned to protect their rights politically and constitutionally so that the day-to-day strikes and demonstrations for various issues come to an end forever.
In fact, democratically and theoretically it is the right of these Citizens to elect their own representative for the Parliament of Pakistan so that politically their representative may be able not only to protect their rights in the Parliament but also govern their own concern Ministry of Labors and Manpower Overseas Employment etc. Because there is no such verdict of Jury in the human history nor written in the sacred books of Heaven that these Citizens are not eligible / entitle to elect their own representatives for a democratic Parliament of a Country and govern their own concern Ministry of Labors and Man power Overseas Employment etc.
Therefore you are advised in your own interest to start struggle/movement by uniting all Labors Unions and Workers Organizations/ Associations for gaining Political strength on this single Agenda. So that you may able to elect your own representative for permanent protection of your rights in the Parliament and govern your own concern Ministry of Labors and Manpower Overseas Employment etc as democratically the corrupt and ignorant politician has no right to govern it.
Any help or guide- line in this regard will be provided in due course of time.
Please contact= or
Best wishes
Authors of True Democracy