Farmworkers and Allies March on Burger King

Liana Foxvog, National Organizer, SweatFree Communities

Now at home in the snow of Western Massachusetts, it's hard to believe that just a few days ago I was enjoying the sun of Miami, marching together with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.

Farmworkers together with allies from around the country came together to shine a light on Burger King's exploitation of farmworkers and to call on the company to pay a penny more per pound for tomatoes Pict0017400px
from Immokalee, Florida.  We started with a rally at Goldman Sachs -- a large shareholder in Burger King -- and then marched nine miles with a colorful array of signs and puppets to end with a rally and music at Burger King's headquarters.   At the headquarters, three farmworkers presented their shoes to a Burger King representative with the message: "Before you lie about farmworker poverty again, walk a mile in our shoes."

Immokalee farmers earn only 40 cents per 32-pound bucket of tomatoes they pick.  Burger King: Will you pay a penny more per pound?

Read more and check out photos and news from the march!
