Magazine Highlights Firestone for Public Relations Disaster



“[Firestone employees] are professionals who do their job
safely, effic
iently and with great skill.”


-Firestone Natural Rubber Company
President Dan Adomitis



Dan Adomitis’ policies
on the Firestone rubber pla
ntation in Liberia result in child labor.


Does his labor force look safe, efficient and skilled to

Firestone response to this article - from the president [ posted by Anonymous | 11 Jun 07 ]

Mr. Webb:

I find it interesting that you use the
interview of me on CNN International in your article “Strategy &
Management: How to work with the media to drive your message home,
effective communication techniques for companies.”

The fact of
the matter is I did use the expertise and counsel of outstanding media
relations professionals to prepare me for that interview. However, the
interview on CNN International’s program “Inside Africa” misused what I

Using a colloquial expression that it takes “perhaps a
couple minutes” to tap a tree and turning it into a literal
mathematical equation is ridiculous. It was wrong and leaves viewers
with a false impression.

Had they asked, I would have provided
CNN specific information for the purpose of determining the typical
work day. In fact, it only takes seconds for Firestone employees to tap
a tree. These are professionals who do their job safely, efficiently
and with great skill.

Immediately after CNN International aired
this interview, we contacted the producers to question why a colloquial
expression was presented as an accurate mathematical equation. CNN
International did not reply to Firestone’s inquiries.

You use
this interview as an example of mishandling the media, calling it
“Firestone’s big screw up.” Yet, none of your tips actually address
what really happened. Perhaps in your next article, you could address
what steps to take when you are prepared for a media interview, a
reporter or producer twists what is said (in the production booth after
the interview) leaving the wrong impression with the audience, no
opportunity to respond on camera, and then fails to correct the story
when they are provided the facts.

I understand your need to
introduce your article with an interesting scenario, but next time,
please get the facts straight before printing. You can start by


Daniel J. Adomitis
President, Firestone Natural Rubber Company

